11 March 2011


Filming took place on 23rd February. As it was initially raining, I decided to shoot the interior shots first in the hope that it would stop raining later. Fortunately, the rain did stop and I was able to get the exterior shots done as well. I experienced very few problems throughout the filming. However, I did make some changes from the original storyboard, which were largely to do with the positioning of the camera. A major change that I made was to change the ending so that the murder was more implied than actually being shown. I did this by having John/Chris pull out the knife as before, but omitting the actual stabbing as I was afraid that this would look amateur and could also cause injuries. Instead, I filmed an exterior shot of John/Chris closing the door. I think that this is a more effective ending as it leaves what happens next to the reader's imagination and keeps the mysterious tone of the thriller. There were no incidents and I passed the camera and tripod on without any damages. The knife was handled carefully and on-one was injured. I believe I have enough footage to be able to edit well as I have over 2 minutes of raw footage and I have shot some scenes from multiple angles so I can cut between them.

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